Bett 2023: A few Insights on Edtech for educational publishers

Bett 2023 was a truly vast event that brought the entire education community together, from schools and students to educational publishers and tech providers.

So much to cover over the vast ExCel arena in London, with an emphasis on tech, coming together across different countries and sharing knowledge, and community and wellness. 

Tech as an ally in wellness & gamification strategy

Though tech can also be problematic when it comes to certain areas of wellness, there is also plenty of room for digital tools and immersive tech to support student and teacher health. There were loads of different digital solutions on display that reminded us to embrace the joy that games and play can bring to education.

It is a good idea to consider how play and gamification can be woven into your publishing strategy, whether that is in the form of storytelling or virtual games that help readers and students have a more immersive, playful experience.

Data integrity

Using data analytics to help publishers and creators get the most out of their content and improve their LMS environments is a no-brainer, but trying to stay on top of all the latest privacy and platform concerns can be challenging.

Opting for more light-weight custom data solutions can help publishers fight the overwhelm. At the same time, rather than collecting data, people are wanting to get more insights. The tools growing in popularity right now are those who can offer clear advice, rather than just empty metrics. 

Online classroom 2.0

Though online teaching has become the norm in many ways, there are still plenty of ways in which this experience can be improved. It was really encouraging to see providers coming out with new ways for students and educators to interact.

For publishers, there is an opportunity to really be at the cutting edge of the online classroom and create materials that adapt to these new environments. 

Smart publishing

The best educational publishers are the ones who continue to innovate and embrace new formats and tech. At the same time, smart publishing is also about streamlining catalogues, processes, and embracing the tenets of multi-channel publishing. (Something we have been doing with our educational clients over the years). 

As well as the getting the tech right, smart publishing means adapting to the needs of the market. This could mean breaking into a new niche, investing in educational video, or even streamlining and cutting back operations to server a really specific need.


International outlook

There was a great emphasis on global co-operation and collaboration at Bett, which was very encouraging to see. As a tech partner for publishers in the Nordics, we are passionate about sharing what we have learned working with Finnish publishers over the years.

Whether publishers are operating in multi-lingual environments or not, embracing an international attitude and learning from each other is a great way to knowledge share and scale.

Catch us at London Book Fair next!

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